Winter Warming Shelters in the Portland, OR area

As winter sets in and temperatures drop, we all need a safe and comfortable resting place. For those experiencing houselessness, finding shelter can be difficult. Aside from year-round shelters, Multnomah and surrounding counties offer winter-specific warming centers. Warming centers have specific weather criteria that must be met for them to open. The requirements vary by county and establishment. Most warming centers offer a warm meal, and some offer a warm beverage. Also, some centers allow pets but check the rules as they are different at each establishment. If someone is unsheltered during extreme weather and whose life appears to be in danger, please call 911. For winter and severe weather resources relating to particular counties, call 211 or visit their website.

Multnomah County

Warming shelters open when temperatures are forecasted at 25 degrees or below, forecasters predict an inch or more of snow, overnight temperatures drop below 32 degrees with an inch of driving rain, or when other conditions such as severe wind chills or extreme temperature fluctuations occur. For further information and up-to-date resources, please visit the following links:

Washington County

The Washington County Winter Shelter Program runs from November 1 until May 31. There are multiple locations available throughout the winter. For access to housing and shelter resources, contact Community Connect at 503-640-3263. For more information, click the links below: 

Clackamas County

Clackamas County opens overnight warming shelters when the weather is predicted to be 33 degrees or lower or when other conditions, such as snow, wind, and flooding, make sleeping outdoors hazardous. For up-to-date information, please visit the links below: